MooVId Pro 2

Programmed by: L�szl� T�r�k
Price: �14.99
Available From: Formatt Home Computing (Tel: +44 (0)8700 11 22 34).
Supplied on: Amiga CD-ROM

Required hardware:

CD-ROM Drive
Without a graphics card:
Kickstart 3.0+ (AKIKO requires Kick3.1)

An AGA Amiga (for ham8, 256 colour, 18BIT, STORM and 16 grayscale)
ECS/OCS (16 grayscale)

MC68020 or Faster

about 1Mb of Free memory (Fast recommended)

Graphics card users:

Same as above (AGA not required, of course!) plus:
A graphics card supported by Picasso96
Installed P96 system


A graphics card supported by CyberGraphX
Installed CGFX system (CGFX V4 recommended)

PPC board for PPC support (with WarpOS or PowerUP system, both kernels supported)

Required software:

reqtools.library v38 or newer (included)
asyncio.library v39 or newer (included)

AVI or MOV files to play ;)

Recommended minimum configuration:

68030/50 Mhz and approximately 0.5 - 1 Mb free Fast memory and a fast drive (1Mb/s or faster) example: HDD or 4x Speed or faster CD-ROM drive.

On a 68030/50 MHz almost all AVI/MOV files can be played at very enjoyable speeds. Now MooVId can play 320x240 CVID encoded AVIs/MOVs on 030/50 at a very acceptable speed about 12FPS in gray and about 8-10FPS in colour (with STORM dither)

To get faster playback speed, a 030/040/060 and gfxcard are highly recommended!

For this review, MooVId was tested on the following hardware:

1) Amiga A1200 EZ-Tower Z4.

2) MouseIT PC mouse adaptor (serial port).

3) Micro$oft Mouse (plugged into MouseIT adaptor via serial port, and driven by sermouse mouse driver).

4) 2 megabytes chip-memory.

5) 1x 880k DSDD Internal disk drive.

6) 2x 880k Cumana DSDD External disk drives.

7) Apollo 1240 / 25Mhz, 64 megabytes of fast-ram.

8) Zorro 4 Bus Expansion System (5x Zorro 2 slots, 2x Zorro 4 slots, 1x Video Slot, 4x clock port expansion headers).

9) Cybervision 64/3D (Z2 slot number 2).

10) PowerFlyer Z-IV 32-bit FastATA/EIDE controller (Z4 slot number 1).

11) Maxtor 20.4 gigabyte hard disk (via NSD & FFS 45.1) - PIO mode 3 (via PowerFlyer Z-IV).

12) Cyberdrive 48X atapi CD-ROM - PIO mode 3 (via PowerFlyer Z-IV).

13) Memorex CDRW-2216 atapi - PIO mode 3 (via PowerFlyer Z-IV).

14) Amiga Technologies M1438S 14" Multi-Sync Monitor.

15) Creative CS120 Multimedia speakers.

16) PC organiser / desk tidy workstation.

17) EZ Key 2 PC Keyboard Adapter (internal).

18) Turbo-XWing PC Keyboard.

Operating System and Kickstart Version:

OS Version 44.5 (AmigaOS 3.5) - With BoingBag 1 & 2 updates applied. Kickstart 3.1 (40.68)

Version of FastATA AllegroCDFS PowerFlyer Z-IV software used:
FastATA.driver (v2.4)
FastATAPrefs (v2.4)
AllegroCDFS (v3.2)

Graphics Card Driver:

CybergraphX v3 (with latest CGFX v3 update installed from OS 3.5
CD-ROM): cgxbootpic.library (v41.6), cgxsystem.library (v41.2),
cgxvideo.library (v41.12), CGXMode preferences (v2.9).

CD-ROM File System Used:
AllegroCDFS v3.2

Workbench Screen Resolution:
CV64/3D, 800x600, 24 bit (16.7 million colours), 38Khz

What is MooVId ?

MooVId is an AVI/QT player for the Amiga. AVI's and QT's are popular animation formats as used on PC/compatables and Apple Macintosh. The AVI /QT format was originally devised for providing low bandwidth streaming of video files over the internet.

The Review:

Thore B�ckelmann's CyberAVI/CyberQT I've used for many years. Although it boasted fast animation playback, both programs were incapable of supporting the latest AVI/QT codecs.

L�szl� T�r�k noticed the 'lack' of a good, fast QT/AVI player for the Amiga, and decided upon developing his own and MooVId was born for the Amiga. This latest release see's a lot of improvements over previous versions, most notably the Cybergraphx 'modeID' requester had a strange bug and crashed on CybergraphX (now fixed !), the PPC 'PIP' Window support has been fixed, along with some fixes to the MOV header identification code with some Quicktime formats. A timescale video bug with regard to some QT's with different frame rate movies has been bugfixed also, and now there's support for 24 bit AVI's too.

I was first introduced to MooVId when myself, Ray Hawkins (Editor) and Steve Evans (Web Master) attended the Central Hampshire User Group/Amiga Support Association user group meeting in Southampton. What impressed me was the speed of video playback, even on a low-end Amiga with an '030 under AGA.

Forematt Home Computing supply MooVId on CD-ROM. Two executable are on the disk, one for 68k CPU's and another for Amiga's equipped with PPC both are supplied complete with a hard disk installer via Commodore's 'standard' Installer utility. To run the PPC version of MooVId you will require the PowerUp/Warpup kernal(s) installed under AmigaOS. Comprehensive Amigaguide documentation is supplied on the CD as well detailing MooVId's barrage of configuration tooltypes. The rest of the CD-ROM is filled with AVI and QT movies for you to try out !

MooVid can either be launched from it's icon or via the shell, which means you can easily set up MooVId to play AVI/QT's through MIME types in your web browser. Opus Magellan users can easily set up a filetype for playing AVI/QT's through Opus Magellan. Command line parameters are used when launching MooVId from the shell for changing dithering, screen mode, etc. When launched MooVId via it's icon, these can be adjusted by altering any tooltype(s) in its icon.

One thing MooVId boasts over other AVI/QT animation players on the Amiga is the sheer amount of codecs which are now supported ! At this present time, MooViD v1.3 supports the following AVI/QT animation formats:-

Video for Windows (.avi)

Supported video codecs:

AccuPak (PalomAVI) (CLJR) 24 bit

Intel Indeo 3.1 (IV31) 24 bit
Intel Indeo 3.2 (IV32) 24 bit
Intel Raw (YUV9) 16 bit
Intel Raw (YUV9) 24 bit
Microsoft RGB (RGB) 8 bit
Microsoft RGB (RGB) 16 bit
Microsoft RGB (RGB) 24 bit
Microsoft Video 1 (CRAM/MSVC) 8 bit
Microsoft Video 1 (CRAM/MSVC) 16 bit
Radius Cinepak (CVID) 16 bit (+)
Radius Cinepak (CVID) 24 bit (+)
Radius Cinepak (CVID) 32 bit (+)
Run Length Encoded (RLE) 8 bit

Supported audio codecs:

MS-ADPCM MONO/STEREO 4 bit (16 bit)
DVI-ADPCM MONO/STEREO 4 bit (16 bit)

QuickTime (.mov, .qt) as used on Apple Macintosh/Microsoft Windows:-

Supported video codecs:

Apple Animation (RLE) 8 bit (colour/gray) (+)
Apple Graphics (SMC) 8 bit (colour/gray) (+)
Apple Video (RPZA) 16 bit
Intel Indeo 3.1 (IV31) 24 bit
Intel Indeo 3.2 (IV32) 24 bit
Radius Cinepak (CVID) 16 bit (+)
Radius Cinepak (CVID) 24 bit (+)
Radius Cinepak (CVID) 32 bit (+)

(+) = PPC Accelerated

Supported audio codecs:

IMA-ADPCM MONO/STEREO 4 bit (16) bit

AVI/QT Movies can either be played on a separate screen or on a window via the Workbench. MooVId uses optimized 32 bit c2p (chunky to planar) routines, so playing in a window is very fast even on the Amiga's native AGA chipset and without a graphics card.

Playback speed is fast, but is further optimised depending upon the speed of your Amiga's processor. L�szl� also mentions if your movies are stored on your hard disk and your using Commodore's slow 'Fast-File-System', you should add plenty of buffers, either using the AmigaDOS 'AddBuffers' command or via HDToolBox. Alternatively use the TD64 or DirectSCSI versions of Greed's PFS v3 which gives even faster loading. Fast-File -System was never really designed for loading large very files quickly. Other things to note are playback speed also depends on the speed of your IDE/SCSI hostadaptor that your CD-ROM's / hard disks use as well. Z3 Fastlane SCSI uses transparent DMA with no CPU time used during disk transfer, Commodore's IDE connector and PowerFlyer's lack DMA, although the PowerFlyer provides faster playback when compared to Commodore IDE, but is considerably more processor intensive. HiSoft Squirrel SCSI controllers lack DMA as well.

Playback with regard to graphics cards is fast, even on my Z2 equipped test machine with a Cybervision 64/3D and PowerFlyer Z-IV! Obviously Z3 gives the best results, since Z3 is capable of transferring graphical data from your graphics card in 32 bit chunks at a time, whereas Z2 is based on a 16 bit bus and can only transfer data in 16 bit's of data at any one time.

There are some bugs I detected, although these are minor: the first is MooVId seems to produce a horrid metallic screaching sound when playing some AVI/QT codec formats. L�szl� recommend's if you encounter this to turn off surround sound via MooVId's 'NOSURROUNDMONO' tooltype. Although I still found some movies still inhibited this fault. Luckily, this is rare and only happens on some of the more obscure AVI/QT codec formats.

Secondly, if your using CybergraphX v3, flipping screens with RAMIGA+M to switch between MooVId's own screen and Workbench, and then back again results in MooVId's screen becoming trashed. This is minor and is caused by a bug in CybergraphX's V3. L�szl� recommends upgrading to CybergraphX's V4 which fixes this.

MooVId boasts an attractive graphic user interface which implements a number of gadgets including:

- A play/pause button.
- AVI/MOV playback status. You can use the mouse to control the playback.
- Gadget for displaying playback speed.
- Gadgets for increasing/decreasing the speed of playback.
- Previous AVI/MOV from filelist.
- Play next AVI Mov from filelist.
- Volume Control Slider
- Brightness Control (this is ghosted out and serves no function at the moment).
- Loop On/Off
- Frame Skip On/Off button (handy if your Amiga's not that fast)
- Reset original frame rate & audio sync.

Tests conducted:

I detail below tests I performed listing playback performance. See above for a full specification of hardware that was used for testing MooVId.

For all tests, the source file "Star" was used (the original trailer from the first Star Wars movie). The animation was a Quicktime movie file in Radius Cinepak (CVID) codec format, sized at 160x120, 24 bit (16.7 million colours). Audio is reported as 16 bit, 22050 Hz stereo:-

Test 1:

For this first test, I used a resolution set to 15 bit CybergraphX (320x240) screen mode. Zorro 2 argument was used to speed animation playback. The results are as follows:-

MooVId dither cgfx zorro2 verbose modeID ? [RETURN]

File: Star
Video: Radius Cinepak (CVID), 160�120 24 bit, 15 fps
Audio: Signed-PCM (TWOS) 16 bit, 22050 Hz Stereo
Using NEW style frame skip
All frame is keyframe

Player statistic:
Total frames: 1739 Total time: 1:55 (min:sec)
Frames played (incl. skipped frames): 1739, Frames skipped: 2
Frame rate: 14.99 fps

Test 2:

For this second test, I used a resolution of 15 bit CybergraphX (640x480). Zorro2 argument was used to speed animation playback. The results are as follows:-

MooVId dither cgfx zorro2 verbose modeid ? [RETURN]

File: Star

Video: Radius Cinepak (CVID), 160�120 24 bit, 15 fps
Audio: Signed-PCM (TWOS) 16 bit, 22050 Hz Stereo
Using NEW style frame skip
All frame is keyframe

Player statistic:
Total frames: 1739 Total time: 1:55 (min:sec)
Frames played (incl. skipped frames): 1739, Frames skipped: 1
Frame rate: 14.99 fps

Test 3:

In this third test, I used a resolution of 24 bit CybergraphiX (800x600). Zorro2 argument was used to speed animation playback. The results are reported as follows:-

MooVId dither cgfx zorro 2 verbose modeID ? [RETURN]

File: Star
Video: Radius Cinepak (CVID), 160�120 24 bit, 15 fps
Audio: Signed-PCM (TWOS) 16 bit, 22050 Hz Stereo
Using NEW style frame skip
All frame is keyframe

Player statistic:
Total frames: 1739 Total time: 1:55 (min:sec)
Frames played (incl. skipped frames): 1739, Frames skipped: 2
Frame rate: 14.99 fps

Test 4:

In this fourth test, the playback was tested in a small window on the Workbench screen (800x600 resolution), 24 bit (16.7 million colours). Zorro2 argument was used to increase animation playback.

MooVId dither cgfx zorro2 windowplay verbose modeID ? [RETURN]

File: Star
Video: Radius Cinepak (CVID), 160�120 24 bit, 15 fps
Audio: Signed-PCM (TWOS) 16 bit, 22050 Hz Stereo
Using NEW style frame skip
All frame is keyframe

Player statistic:
Total frames: 1739 Total time: 1:55 (min:sec)
Frames played (incl. skipped frames): 1739, Frames skipped: 188
Frame rate: 14.99 fps

Test 5:

For this fifth and final test, MooVId was tested on a Low Res 320x200 AGA screen. DITHER STORM was used to maximize playback speed and SDBL was used for double height viewing, allowing full screen size playback.

MooVId dither storm lo sdbl verbose modeID ? [RETURN]

File: Star
Video: Radius Cinepak (CVID), 160�120 24 bit, 15 fps
Audio: Signed-PCM (TWOS) 16 bit, 22050 Hz Stereo
Using NEW style frame skip
All frame is keyframe

Player statistic:
Total frames: 1739 Total time: 1:55 (min:sec)
Frames played (incl. skipped frames): 1739, Frames skipped: 2
Frame rate: 14.99 fps

Conclusion of all tests conducted:

There you have it: I believe the playback results speak for themselves. Even without a graphics card it possible to get 15fps in AGA Low Res 320x200 and at full screen thanks to the highly efficient c2p (chunky to planar routines) which MooVId Pro 2 utilizes !

L�szl� must be commended for his hard work. No other AVI/QT movie player exists on the Amiga which can boast such a wide-range of AVI/QT animation codecs which MooVId supports. Considering L�szl� has produced MooVId all by himself, it is a testament of the talent of Amiga developers. On older Amiga models with the ECS chipset (A1000, A15000, A2000 and A3000 which lack the AGA chipset, playback is in black and white only). Compare that to the high specification that is needed just to play QT/AVI's on a Peecee !

MooVId Pro 2 may be purchased from our sponsor, 'Formatt Home Computing'. To place your order and to check stocks and availability give them a ring on: +44 (0)8700 11 22 34. Remember when ordering any software from our sponsors to mention you saw MooVId reviewed in 'The Crypt' issue 17 and that Craig sent you... ;-)

Craig 'Hercules' Daines
Technical Editor For 'The Crypt'
